Research Theme - "Fostering Research through SDGs to empower Society"

Message from the Vice-Chancellor
For its 14th Edition of the Research Week, the University of Mauritius has chosen the Theme “Fostering Research through SDGs to empower Society”. The focus will be on the intertwining relationship between the research conducted by the academic community of the UoM to the benefit of the society. This relationship aims at providing evidence-based research conducted on the 17 SDGs and their implications for the society at large.
Furthermore, this Edition will be undertaken through a hybrid mode allowing researchers; staff, students and partner organisations to showcase their findings via both in-person presentation as well as virtual interactions.
It is worth noting that quality research plays a crucial role in the international ranking of universities that must be emphasized. This forms part of the objectives of holding the Research Week thereby providing academia and students with the necessary platform to do so. Linking the SDGs for this year’s Edition augurs well in providing more visibility for impact-oriented research at the UoM.
The international ranking of the UoM (1001 – 1200) in the World Ranking of Universities by Times Higher Education (THE) bears testimony to the impactful research being carried by our researchers and the commitment of the UoM and its community towards research engagement.
Over 100 submissions have been received from all different areas of research and disciplines. Besides oral presentations, poster presentations will be allowed to demonstrate experiments carried out, research findings and their implications.
As customary, plenary sessions will be held to address and focus on the specificities of Faculties for the advancement of knowledge through modernized theories and techniques. The Keynote Speakers have been selected based on their expertise and experience on the applications of theories to the real life context.
The importance of the society in research endeavours cannot be overemphasised. It goes without saying that any research undertaken has little meaning if it fails to bring any impact or contribution in improving the life of a person or citizen at the end of the day.
On an ending note, I hope that this Edition, as the previous ones will be a success in fostering knowledge, collaboration, networking and providing solutions to problems of local and global concerns.
I wish all participants very fruitful deliberations for the advancement of our economy, environment and more importantly our society.
Wish you well.
Prof S K Sobhee
Call for Abstracts
14th Edition of the UoM Research Week
Monday 07 November 2022
Friday 11 November 2022
The 14th Edition of the UoM Research Week will be organised by the University of Mauritius (UoM) from 07 November 2022 to 11 November 2022.
The Research Week aims at providing a consolidated platform for staff, students and researchers to interact and carry out peer discussions on ongoing and emerging research issues. The main objective of the Research Week is, therefore, to showcase research being undertaken at the University which to a large extent is in line with national interest.
The Organising Committee welcomes submissions under the Main Theme: “Fostering Research through SDGs to empower Society”.
Members of academic staff, students (including those having benefited or benefiting from research funding from UoM, local or international institutions), researchers from other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and collaborative partners are invited to submit Abstracts for Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations. Stakeholders from private and public sectors, including alumni are also welcome to participate in this endeavour.
Centres (CBBR, CRSI and ICSTH) and Poles of Research (PREs/PRs) should showcase their achievements through either Poster and/or Oral Presentation under their respective Office/Faculty.
It is compulsory for registered MPhil/PhD students at UoM to participate actively in this 14th edition of the Research Week through any form of presentation of their intended research, or work in progress or achievements to date.
UoM final year undergraduate students are also invited to participate actively in this event.
Up to five (5) Abstracts inclusive of Oral Presentation and Poster Presentation either as first author or presenting author may be submitted. However, only up to two (2) Oral Presentations will be allowed per presenter.
Abstracts, strictly as per the format and related to the event’s Main Theme, should be submitted using the online submission system only by Friday 30 September 2022 Friday 07 October 2022 at latest.
An abstract should not exceed one A4 size page and should be in MS Word format. Kindly ensure that your abstract is read and approved by all co-authors before submission.
All Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and checked for plagiarism. The corresponding author will be notified of acceptance at latest by Friday 14 October 2022.
All Abstracts should be formatted as per the template and submitted via the online submission system, according to the Abstract Submission Guide, on the following url:
In case an Abstract/Paper is not accepted for oral Presentation, the author may consider submitting same as a Poster Presentation.
Accepted Abstracts will be published in the UoM Research Week 2022 e-Book of Abstracts.
A Scheme with respect to funding of publication of full papers emanating from the UoM Research Week 2022 is being devised. The modalities are being worked out and more details will be provided in due course.
Abstract Submission Deadline: |
Notification of Acceptance: | Friday 14 October 2022 |
Submission of Pre-recorded Video Presentations and Posters
| Friday 21 October 2022 |
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