Students and members of the public are cordially invited to attend the Research days.However, you have to register online for different session(s) you may wish to attend.A first come first served policy will apply.
Message from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academia)
The 10th edition of the UoM Research Week reflects a successful research culture that has continued to evolve towards new heights. In line with becoming a more research-oriented University, the UoM tries to nurture this culture across its talented academics who are encouraged to deepen their engagement in various research endeavours. The Research Week remains exclusively a major platform which allows for greater dedication and interaction of academics and researchers across the different faculties and centres on campus.
In addition to extending its research horizon to include centres falling under the purview of the UoM, this 10th edition of the Research Week encompasses other local and regional universities as well. Such expansion in the UoM’s frontiers will breed more interaction among local and regional institutions of teaching and research thus providing potential avenues for future collaboration among different groups of researchers.
Moreover, the different sessions will provide opportunities for researchers benefiting from different funding schemes to showcase their research commitments and achievements. Opportunities will be provided to specific research groups which have benefited from alternative sources of funding - locally and internationally – to be more visible in what they do. This year, in particular, Principal Investigators from the five major projects funded by the UoM will be invited to elaborate on typical issues of national interest that they are addressing.
The Research Week per se must not be confined to the academic community alone. It has to be meaningful to the world outside academia as well. It is thus expected that more people from the industry, policy-making circles and the community at large will have the opportunity to take cognizance of the research deliverables, findings and policy recommendations of UoM’s researchers. Different stakeholders will have the opportunity to understand the importance of this dissemination exercise and the extent to which these research deliverables would have an impact on them. Essentially because of this, a Triple Helix approach is taken in this Edition and the theme adopted this year is “Connecting Research to the industry and the Community”.
We wish you all of you well for an insightful, thought-breaking, impactful and fruitful Research Week 2017.
Best Wishes
Prof Sanjeev K Sobhee
Pro Vice Chancellor (Academia)
Call for Abstracts
(Pour la version française, cliquez ici)
10th Edition of the UoM Research Week
“Connecting Research to the Industry and Community”
18 - 22 September 2017
The 10th Edition of the UoM Research Week will be organised by the University of Mauritius from 18 to 22 September 2017. This year the Research Week Theme retained is “Connecting Research to the Industry and Community”.
The Research Week aims at providing a consolidated platform for staff, students and researchers to interact and carry out peer discussions on ongoing or emerging research. The main objective of the Research Week is therefore to showcase research being undertaken in the country.
Academic Staff members, Students, Researchers from other Tertiary Education Institutions both local and regional as well as other Participants are invited to submit extended abstracts for oral presentations and poster sessions. Stakeholders from private and public sectors including alumni are welcome to participate.
Registered MPhil/PhD Students at UoM should compulsorily make a presentation of their Research Work/Work in Progress/ Proposal.
Centres (CBBR, CRSI and ICSTH), Poles of Research Excellence and Principal Investigators for both Externally and Internally Funded Research Projects should mandatorily have a Poster and/or Oral Presentation under their respective Faculty.
Faculty, students, and affiliated researchers are invited to submit up to five (5) abstracts inclusive of oral presentations and poster sessions (either as author or co-author). However, only up to two (2) oral presentations will be allowed per presenter. Oral presentations will be of 20 minutes duration (including question time). Poster presentations should be in A1 format.
Although each Faculty has a special theme for this Edition of the Research Week, the organising committee welcomes submissions under the UoM Research Week Theme “Connecting Research to the Industry and Community”. For any additional information, please contact the Faculty Research Committee.
In case an abstract is not accepted the author may consider submitting same for a poster presentation.
Extended abstracts should be submitted online at latest by 14th August 2017 and should include the following details:
- The presentation title (up to 20 words);
- The name, affiliation and email of all authors;
- Paper type (oral or poster);
- A word description (between 500 and 700 words) of the presentation(extended abstract);
The extended abstract should comprise the background and objectives of the study, approach and methodology, major findings of the research work, conclusion and significance, and up to five (5) keywords.
All extended abstracts will be blind reviewed and the corresponding author will be notified of acceptance at latest by Monday 28th August 2017. All abstracts should be formatted as per the template (English |French) and submitted via the online submission system.
Online submission opens on Friday 14th July 2017
Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday 7th August 2017 Monday 14th August 2017
Notification of Acceptance: Monday 28th August 2017 Thursday 31st August 2017