Where do I get information about rules and regulations of the University?
Please refer to the UoM Website. Go to ‘Study at UoM’, select ‘Regulations’ and you will have access to the Regulations for the different levels of Programmes offered at the UoM.
Who is a Programme Coordinator?
Where can I get additional information regarding CPA, GPA, Credit system, etc?
What is a MSS (Module Specification Sheet)?
How do I get a copy of the timetable?
Can I request for a change in the class timetable?
What kind of assistance is available for needy students?
What opportunities are there to get involved in research as an undergraduate?
Who is eligible for a bus pass?
Who should I contact if I lose (i) my UoM Identity Card and (ii) my bus pass?
How do I withdraw from my first year of study?