
About Alumni Association

The UoM Alumni Association (UoMAA) has the pleasure and privilege to announce that the association is now officially registered with the Registry of Associations. The UoMAA has been created to promote, foster and maintain links between our former students who have graduated from the University of Mauritius (UoM). The initiative for the creation of the UoM Alumni Association emerged from the Office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning & Resources) and we would like to extend our warmest thanks to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (P&R) and members of the Alumni Working Committee.

The Managing Committee of the UoMAA comprises the following members for the period Nov 19 to Nov 2020:

    Sabrina Ramsamy-Iranah, Academic Staff, UoM - President
    Sameer C.M.Ramdin, AVR Plato Technology - Vice-President
    Janesh Roy Dookan,Economic Development Board - Secretary
    Kamlesh Puttay-Sunassee KP Landscaping  - Assistant Secretary
    Yannicke Fong Yong -Momple, Part-time Lecturer, UoM - Treasurer
    Joel Violette, Civil Service College- Assistant Treasurer
    Anjana Lachhman, Gamma Materials Ltd- Public Relation Officer (PRO)
    Deepamraj Narsigadoo, National Archives Dept- Assistant PRO
    Geeta Somaroo, Academic Staff, UoM- Member
    Narainduth Bundhun, IT Officer, Fashion Design Institute - Member
    Randhir Guirdharry, Economic Development Board - Member

The objects of the Association are to:

  • encourage members of the Association to take an active interest in the life of the University – at local, national and international levels;
  • facilitate and support meetings between the Association's members;
  • organise activities and exchanges with other associations at national and international levels with a view to promote the interest of its members; and
  • do all such things that are conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

All former graduates of UoM are hereby invited to join the UoMAA by filling in the attached Registration Form. An official launching of the UoMAA will be organised shortly.

For more information, please visit our website at https://sites.uom.ac.mu/alumni/.

Thank you.

Dr S.Ramsamy Iranah
(President 2018-20)