Messages from CILL

Dear Students
As Officer in Charge for The Centre for Innovative and Lifelong Learning (CILL) at the University of Mauritius, I am delighted to welcome you to the University of Mauritius. I would also like to congratulate you for securing a seat at the University of Mauritius.
The Centre for Innovative and Lifelong Learning (CILL) was created in April 2014, following the merging of two Centres, namely the Virtual Centre for Innovative Technologies (VCILT) and the Centre for Professional development and Lifelong Learning (CPDL).
CILL has been responsible for developing and providing lifelong learning concept, online education and e-learning. In line with the effort to promote ICT, CILL develops academic modules, pedagogical prototype projects, continuous education and lifelong flexible learning. CILL also supports UoM academics and tutors with the technology, pedagogical and management tools for the conception, multimedia presentation and networking of their academic activities.
As at today, CILL has a student population of nearly 600 students. The BSc (Hons) Web and Multimedia Development programme has been running since 2009 and recently the programme has been revamped and is now being offered on a blended mode under the LCCS credit system i.e. Google Classroom, classes on campus and only for some practical modules, you will be given access to computer labs on the main campus.
However, please rest assured that the CILL staff, academics and programme coordinators would be available to meet you whenever the need arises.
This programme offers web and multimedia development skills, which are focused on internet technologies such as the design and implementation of web-based client/server systems. It is designed to ensure that students become equipped with a broad range of computing knowledge and skills, and it includes core modules in general software design and development, as well as in scripting technologies specific for web development. At the end of year 2, students will have the opportunity to embark on job placement to gain working experience.
On behalf of CILL staff, I would like to wish you a fruitful journey at UoM and all the best in your studies.
Thank you.
Assoc Prof (Dr) Goonesh Kumar BAHADUR
July 2024