Messages from FoE

Dear Students
It is with immense pleasure that I welcome you all as students at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius, and congratulations for having obtained a seat on one of the programmes offered.
This Faculty is the leading engineering institution in Mauritius and has been offering engineering and non-engineering programmes since 1976 with the first batch of students graduating in 1980. On average the Faculty produces some 200 graduates per year. Today, graduates from the Faculty of Engineering occupy important positions in most engineering institutions in the country, including Metro Express, CEB, CWA, Water Resources Unit, Central Depository Systems, Ministry of Public Infrastructures and Road Development Authority etc… It should be noted that now most of our BEng programmes are accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) and the Institute of Engineers Mauritius- Engineering Accreditation Board (IEM-EAB). Our World Ranking by Times Higher Education (THE) was between 1001 and 1200 for the year 2023.
Student Intake is based solely on merit and you have a seat because you fully deserve the same. Congratulations again for making it. However, I hope you fully appreciate the essence of engineering and you are embarking on an engineering career because you know what it means to be an engineer and you have the required motivation to be one. To be a good student and eventually a good engineer, you need to develop a passion for the field you are embarking upon. Engineering is about the design and building of systems using scientific principles to address the needs of society. In so doing we equally ensure that the design is sustainable and the impact of engineering activity on the environment is minimized.
The engineering curricula at the University of Mauritius have been framed to ensure that you are not an engineer just for the local context but will eventually be able to practice engineering in any part of the world. After completing the programme you will have the following competencies:
• Ability to solve complex problems
• Apply scientific and engineering knowledge
• Undertake engineering design
• Conduct investigations, experimentations and data analysis
• Use engineering methods, skills and tools, incl. Information Technology
• Excel in professional and technical communication
• Appreciate the impact of engineering activity on its immediate environment
• Work as an individual and in multidisciplinary teams
• Have independent learning ability
• Develop engineering professionalism
• Manage engineering projects
These competencies are universally required for graduates from an engineering programme. Your graduation will be a confirmation from our side that you have all the above competencies. You will leave us, as a graduate in engineering, only when we are satisfied that you have them all. Note that we are no different from what you would get if you were graduating from any accredited university around the world.
I should mention that we work in close collaboration with industry and the Institution of Engineers Mauritius (IEM). Our engineering programmes are recognized for registration with the Council of Registered Professional Engineer (CRPE). Representatives from the IEM and the CRPE sit on our Advisory Boards while programmes are launched and reviewed.
I would like to now highlight a few hints for a successful stay among us:
• You have been offered a file with a few documents. Make sure you go through them and understand them, especially the regulations governing your programme of studies.
• Be online with your emails. Most of our communication goes through emails.
• Your first point of contact is your Programme Coordinator. The PC is here to facilitate your integration into our system. For any difficulty you may have in relation to your studies, please contact the PC.
• Do not skip lectures/tutorials/tests/assignments/project work/self-study, you will have no time to catch up. Be consistent if you wish to be successful.
• As part of the programme, you will have the opportunity to attend a number of non-academic activities but linked to the programme e.g Industry Seminars, Vacation Training (supported by mentoring), Industrial Placement/Training, Open Days with/for Industry, Case Studies & Site Visits, make the most of these.
• Extra-curricular activities are also supported by students’ clubs and societies, managed by the Student Union; Make the most of these, it’s an opportunity to showcase the talents you have, or develop new talents.
• You are a member of the University; Be an active member. University life is a lifetime experience. Make it enriching, enjoyable and memorable.
Moreover, your attention is drawn to the following points that you would have to comply with and constantly bear in mind in all your actions and doings during your stay at the UoM:
• The UoM is a No-Smoking Campus/No Alcohol and No Drug Campus;
• The Conduct of students should be ethical, respectful vis-à-vis their peers, UoM academics and supporting staff;
• Students should have a collegial approach;
• Group Work and Team Spirit is highly encouraged;
• Students should not be involved in Extreme Behaviours and Acts of Vandalism;
• Students have to participate in Events organized by the UoM (Student Union, Sports Unit, and Management)
• For the channels of communication, in addition to your relevant Programme Coordinator; the Lecturers, Head of Department and the Dean of the Faculty will always be there to help you through your study.
• Check your e-mails;
• To keep an eco-green campus (make less use of plastic bags, keep a clean environment by making use of the dustbin placed in the UoM Campus)
• Please do not forget that you should abide by the Student’s Charter and the Regulations for the Conduct of Students and University Discipline.
Lastly, I should mention, again, that several of our BEng programmes have been accredited by the ECSA, a member of the Washington Accord which is a benchmark for international recognition of engineering qualifications. In parallel, some of the BEng programmes have also been accredited by the IEM-EAB. The latter is working towards holding a signatory status to the Washington Accord. We have reached a milestone in the training of engineers and in facilitating the eligibility to practice engineering in any signatory country to the Washington Accord.
The above hints equally apply to our students who are embarking on a non-engineering programme (BSc or Diploma). The rigour is the same. The programme structure and credit system are however different.
For the non-engineering programmes, the University has embarked on a new mode of programme delivery based on the Learner Centred Credit System (LCCS). This system is equivalent to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) meaning, you can now easily compare your programme and module credits with similar programmes based on the ECTS. LCCS fosters academic and self-development. The emphasis is not only on the hours you spend attending lectures but more on your personal commitment to activities associated with each module. You will have more details with your PCs and HoDs during the orientation session.
To end, I wish you a good stay at the University of Mauritius. It’s going to be challenging and fascinating. You will often be tested on your ability to come out of difficult situations; successfully or not, will later be referred to as the University Experience.
All the best.
Associate Professor (Dr) B.Y.R. Surnam
Dean of Faculty