Messages from FoA

Established in 1914, the Faculty of Agriculture is a prominent institution for education and research in agriculture, food science, and associated fields. The mission of the Faculty of Agriculture is to cultivate skilled professionals and to provide the labour force required to address the challenges with respect to food security and climate change locally and globally. By equipping them with technical knowledge, practical abilities, and a focus on sustainability, the Faculty aims to address global issues including hunger and inequality, aligning with UN SDGs 2030 agenda such as Zero Hunger, Good Health and Wellbeing, Climate Action.
In addition, the Faculty provides short, tailor-made training courses for specific stakeholders as well as a range of undergraduate and post-graduate programs of studies towards human capacity development, re-skilling of the workforce and promotion of science, technology and innovation in the country. In addition, the programmes also lay emphasis on various elements such as entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation, the key areas of modern-day interest - as well as the inculcation of soft skills. For the academic year 2024/2025, the Faculty is offering several programmes – BSc (Hons) Biotechnology with 6- months’ internship, BSc (Hons) Food Science & Technology with 6-months internship, BSc (Hons) Agricultural Science & Technology with 6-months internship and MSc Agronomy These programs aspire to convert our students’ educational experience through multidisciplinary and experiential learning that have real world relevance.
We ensure the high standard and quality of our degrees through a system of moderation by External Examiners from Universities in UK, Australia, India, South Africa and Malaysia among others. All our programs include an element of industrial/work-based placement where a student undertakes a period of training with an organisation and prepares the student for a professional career. From the hands-on training, the student learns about the skill set required as well as the exigencies of the world of work and work ethics. The industry exposure is also a great opportunity to engage in the profession in which they aspire to grow, to appreciate and understand the practical application of their academic program, to work with professional mentors and to begin to build networks within their profession.
The Faculty has always been proud of its students and alumni, many of whom today occupy key positions in Government, parastatal bodies, private sector, and even in regional and international agencies. The friendships nourished during their special time as students of the Faculty of Agriculture create a life-long sense of belonging amongst our alumni, who continue to contribute in numerous ways to their beloved alma mater. We encourage all our students to develop their individuality, their critical analytical and creative thinking abilities.
We urge all new students to familiarize themselves with the University regulations on the website and from your Students Union. Pay close attention to student conduct, academic integrity (including plagiarism), and important deadlines. As you may know, we are living in an era of artificial intelligence (AI), where technology is transforming every aspect of our lives, including education. AI is transforming education and can be a powerful learning tool when used responsibly. However, it can also be misused for plagiarism. Remember, education equips you with skills and knowledge, not just good grades. Use AI ethically to enhance your learning, not replace your own effort. Explore its potential for research but avoid plagiarism and cheating. We are increasingly using a blended mode of Teaching & Learning including the use of web platforms for our teaching, assessment and communication thereby ensuring swift exchange of information.
You have much more freedom than before, but with freedom come responsibility. Learn to manage your time, your work and your resources, so that you can live your campus life to the fullest, with a good balance of studies, extra-curricular activities, interactions with your peers and University staff, and your social life.
We wish you a rewarding and highly memorable time at the University of Mauritius.